Every week I’m going to share with you guys 5 vehicle MOCs from around the Internet that I liked the most. If you agree, disagree or miss something in my pick, let me know in the comments below! If you want to see your MOC on my list use #jbbtop5 on Instagram or send me the link to any other page or social network. There are only four rules:
- the MOC must be your own design
- it must be a vehicle of any sort (car, aircraft, spaceship, etc.)
- the photo of the MOC was uploaded recently to any of your social profile (Flickr, Instagram, Facebook, etc.)
- all five picks are presented in no particular order (the position on the list is not from worst to best or anything)
#1 Mercedes 300SL by hckp13
A very nice 6-wide version of this iconic coupe which is also in a proper minifig scale! All the curves and details are nice and sleak and I especially like the rear part. The use of the newer Speed Champions fenders gives it a classic look. If only it could have those amazing gull-wing doors at this scale 🙂
#3 Lamborghini Miura by pierre_brunsvig
I’ve seen many Miura builds over the years and I even tried one myself so I know that this car can be very tricky to do right. But this is the first one in 8-wide scale I’ve seen and thanks to that it has very nice curves and proportions all the way from the angled hood to the rear spoiler. Even the iconic side intakes are present. You can find the full 360 turntable on the builders profile.
#4 M.A.S.K. Raven by John Blackstar
When I discovered this builder’s flickr page a big smile appeared on my face. M.A.S.K. vehicles are something I always wanted to do in LEGO form and he has plenty of them with all the transforming functions and even custom minifigs and stickers! So this is a must-have on my list 🙂
#5 GTO by Alek Bubnov
This orange GTO looks maybe a little bit cartoonish or Speed Champions-like mainly thanks to the long curved slopes on the sides and higher profile in 6-wide scale but it packs a few very interesting techniques and the front grill is just supeb. There’s never enough LEGO muscle cars in my opinion and this one is quite different and unique among other ones I’ve seen so far.