Vote for the TOP 3 2021 JBB Classic Remakes!

We got 42 entries for this year's round and you can now select your top three! You can find all the images from this round on Instagram under #jbbclassicremake. Every entry in the list below also shows the author Instagram profile name and the original set number. The complete rules for the event are in the saved stories on my Instagram profile . Only three best remakes will win the grand prize and you have 3 votes so choose carefully! Huge thanks to everyone who built something for the contest and good luck! The voting will end on 31st January 23:59 UTC/GMT…

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Jerry Builds Bricks in 2020

2019 was a great year for my project. Just before Christmas, I reached 10k mark on Instagram and 20k on YouTube! I want to thank you guys for all the support, likes, encouraging comments and emails I received. Now we have a new year upon us and things quickly changed and I need to adapt to that situation. So let's get a closer look at what you can expect from me in 2020! 1) Changes to my YouTube Channel If you like YouTube as much as I do, you've probably heard about COPPA thousand times already and then saw how…

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JBB’s TOP 5 Vehicle MOCs of the week #3

Every week I'm going to share with you guys 5 vehicle MOCs from around the Internet that I liked the most. If you agree, disagree or miss something in my pick, let me know in the comments below! If you want to see your MOC on my list use #jbbtop5 on Instagram or send me the link to any other page or social network. There are only four rules:  the MOC must be your own design it must be a vehicle of any sort (car, aircraft, spaceship, etc.) the photo of the MOC was uploaded recently to any of your…

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JBB’s TOP 5 Vehicle MOCs of the week #2

Every week I'm going to share with you guys 5 vehicle MOCs from around the Internet that I liked the most. If you agree, disagree or miss something in my pick, let me know in the comments below! If you want to see your MOC on my list use #jbbtop5 on Instagram or send me the link to any other page or social network. There are only four rules:  the MOC must be your own design it must be a vehicle of any sort (car, aircraft, spaceship, etc.) the photo of the MOC was uploaded recently to any of your…

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JBB’s TOP 5 Vehicle MOCs of the week #1

Every week I'm going to share with you guys 5 vehicle MOCs from around the Internet that I liked the most. If you agree, disagree or miss something in my pick, let me know in the comments below! If you want to see your MOC on my list use #jbbtop5 on Instagram or send me the link to any other page or social network. There are only four rules: the MOC must be your own designit must be a vehicle of any sort (car, aircraft, spaceship, etc.)the photo of the MOC was uploaded recently to any of your social profile (Flickr,…

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