Jerry Builds Bricks in 2020

2019 was a great year for my project. Just before Christmas, I reached 10k mark on Instagram and 20k on YouTube! I want to thank you guys for all the support, likes, encouraging comments and emails I received. Now we have a new year upon us and things quickly changed and I need to adapt to that situation. So let's get a closer look at what you can expect from me in 2020! 1) Changes to my YouTube Channel If you like YouTube as much as I do, you've probably heard about COPPA thousand times already and then saw how…

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A trailer for my Lost In Space Chariot!

I really liked the new Lost in Space reboot series on Netflix. Especially the vehicles and overall production design. So a few weeks ago I made instructions for the awesome new Charriot which plays a key role in a few episodes of the show. And to my surprise, the video got really popular and even got noticed by one of the main stars of the show Mina Sundwall at her twitter account! I had only one week to design the Chariot as I usually do with all my MOCs so it was a pity that I couldn't include the…

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